Pisound Eternal Testing is Over!
Good news, everyone! Thanks to your suggestions and feedback the testing stage of Pisound is over! Oh yes, that means we are finally launching our crowdfunding campaign! And can there be a better day to…
Pure Data Guru Wanted
As we are getting closer to the launch of our crowdfunding campaign, we are looking for additional pair of hands that would want to step in and help us prepare some Pure Data patches for…
Pisound Beta Boards Are Here!
Finally! Our first test batch arrived today. Everything looks great, and we are uploading the firmware at this very moment. We will be reaching out to selected beta testers in coming 48 hours, so don’t…
Pisound Beta Program
We would like to thank all of you for showing huge interest in Pisound and our beta-test program. We haven’t even dreamed there would be more than a thousand makers and enthusiasts around the world…